Truework are you? Workplace observations and elements of NLP Coaching by ANNA KELLY, Book Review, and Summary
About The Book:

Truework are you? Workplace observations and elements of NLP Coaching.
We all face the alarm clock ringing loudly, urging us to rise and shine in all weathers. For many, this is a struggle, for others, it’s “get up and go” time. What makes an everyday necessity so different for different people.
The answer lies in knowing the business you work for and more importantly the people you work with. People can either give you confidence or sap your confidence. My book looks beyond the door of the working environment, comprising of its ups and downs, logical and at times illogical.
At times, we can be left scratching our heads in dismay at the unprofessional attitude that can exist in the workplace. Many of these stories have been published individually and are now compiled for the reader. I hope that it provides a little humor and a little annoyance mixed together to bring about a cocktail of sense.
Editorial Reviews:
TrueWork Are you? is available to purchase on Amazon for $10.00
About The Author:
Anna Kelly, (No Info found yet)
Did You Know: (Book Articles)
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