Expecting the Good Book by Brigitte Cutshall Review

Expecting the Good Book by Brigitte Cutshall Review

Expecting the Good: Inspiration from a Badass with a Big Heart Book by Brigitte Cutshall


About The Book:

This book is a tribute to Jean-Luc Nash, a badass with a big heart. He was a West Point graduate, Army Ranger, Special Forces Officer, 82nd Airborne Commander, and Defense Attache.

What people like Jean-Luc Nash do is essential to protecting our country. This allows people like you and me to create, write, pursue our interests – whatever they are – and have the opportunity to make something of ourselves. Jean-Luc made a positive impact by being a great role model for our country, his community, and his family.

He inspired us all to improve ourselves, not be afraid to try new things, explore, and have the courage to do what is right at any given moment.


Editorial Reviews:

The book arrived today, and Harry and I are passing it back and forth, reading snippets. I cannot read it without big tears streaming down my cheeks. Having lost my dad recently, it hit me twice as hard. After my own dad, Jean-Luc was just the greatest man I ever met.
-Ginny Shaw


About The Author:

Brigitte Cutshall is a Media Solutions Consultant and Health Advocate. She was inspired by her stepfather, Jean-Luc Nash, who had an appreciation for life by seeing and experiencing its frailty. Brigitte is also the author of Real Things: 6 Ways to Embrace Life.

Brigitte (Anderson) Cutshall is the founder of Gemini Media, Inc. a Media Solutions Consultant and Health Advocate. She has been diagnosed with breast cancer twice and living with a benign brain tumor. One of her doctors told her she was a zebra among horses…she’ll take that as a compliment. After dealing with cancer, she became interested in how diet and overall lifestyle affect her well-being.

Brigitte was raised in a military family; born in Fort Knox; grew up in Columbus, GA (near Fort Benning), and lives in metro Atlanta. She is a dog lover, an avid reader, enjoys cooking, trail running, and the outdoors. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin and received her Bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Economics.

“The capacity for hope is the most significant fact of life. It provides us with a sense of destination and the energy to get started.”

Being diagnosed with breast cancer twice (8 years apart) and then a rare primary brain tumor in between was the motivation to develop her blog. brigittecutshall.com

All the medical advancements are remarkable and have helped so many people such as myself. The continued research keeps updating our knowledge. There is not a single solution to being “healthy” and personalized care in the future.

We need to also take an integrative and common sense approach to our health and well-being. I want to encourage and inspire others to be more engaged and thoughtful about their health. Don’t take it for granted.

One of my goals is to motivate (and remind) others to embrace life now by focusing on what’s important to them. Everybody is dealing with something, and having the right perspective helps you deal with those challenges. Mine happened to be cancer and a brain tumor.

A lot of research was done to better understand how everything is connected and the people I have met along the way are amazing.

My sense of humor, stubborn streak, faith, family, and friends help me get through this. Life is truly about the small things you do daily. Enjoy it!  Feel free to reach out to me. If you don’t hear back right away, I’m probably outside doing something I enjoy like running or hiking.

Be a part of the solution. Choose empowerment because there is hope.


My Review:

I have received the paperback of the book, it feels really smooth in my hand and this book has a great quality of printing and paper, with colorful old pictures.

Expecting The Good is a book written in Storytelling biography mixed with the autobiography of the author herself since she’s describing her life story since she was a teen, until after her stepfather’s death in 2016.

The Heroes of our country were our precious family.
Brigitte Cutshall 
the author of the book began with a sad story of the last time she saw her stepfather Jean-Luc (the main character) who served in the army for years and basically this book is about his life story of being a mentor or influencer on people around him.

The author continues as she also served in the army at the same time with JL, in different countries, and interacting with people in a different culture was difficult for her but, she stayed in touch with JL throughout.

The introduction also began with sad news, Sunday at 1:30 a.m. her mom’s calling with the bad news to tell Bridgette, JL passed away and they should get ready for the funeral. a week later in Florida, everybody gathered there to celebrate JL’s life, Special Forces memorial at the NAS, West Point buds held a “Benny’s wake” for him.

The Intrapreneur section is the first time when the author has met JL, she was a teen with attitude, seeing another man around her mom was a little annoying for her, but after a few years, this stranger became their mentor and life motivator who kept their family together. JL as a good-looking man, with a big heart, had a great relationship with grandkids and by telling the stories of his experiences was trying to teach them what he had learned during his life.

Next, the author is mentioning whatever she has learned from JL, like take responsibility for who you choose to be, and calling him The Silent Leader along with the leadership lesson which means what you do make people follow you, not what you say.

In the West Point Tour in this section, JL referred a lot to West Point, where he had received most of his experiences from. the author has this tour with Captain Zachary, who helped her to take the tour and get to know the place where her stepfather liked the most.

This book contains both sad and happy stories told by JL’s friends and family, filled with Inspiring Life Lessons from a soldier, husband, and stepfather. Expecting The Good was the first book in its genre that I really enjoyed reading, I admit that I would never think to enjoy reading this genre of the book before.

In the end, I’d like to thank the author Brigitte Cutshall for her service and all other soldiers who served for the land and sacrifice the best part of their lives to protect our families, and also for giving me the honor to review her newest book, in exchange for my honest and unbiased feedback.

Brigitte also is offering sign-up for the newsletter and receive the free PDF “Healthy Eating on the Go” on her blog: brigittecutshall.com.


Did You Know: (Book Articles)

West Point Alma Mater

Hail Alma Mater dear,
To us be ever near.
Help us thy motto bear
Through all the years.
Let Duty be well performed.
Honor be e’er untarned.
Country be ever armed.
West Point, by thee.

Guide us, thy sons, aright,
Teach us by day, by night,
To keep thine honor bright,
For thee to fight.
When we depart from thee,
Serving on land or sea,
May we still loyal be,
West Point, to thee.

And when our work is done,
Our course on earth is run,
May it be said, “Well done;
Be thou at peace.”
E’er may that line of gray
Increase from day to day
Live, serve, and die, we pray,
West Point, for thee.

P.S. Reinecke, 1911


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If you also have read this book, please share your review below, we greatly appreciate your comment, and let’s talk about it!
Background image credit: Imgur

Amin Rezaei

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