How to Handle a Narcissist Book Review

How to Handle a Narcissist Book Review

How to Handle a Narcissist: Understanding and Dealing with a Range of Narcissistic Personalities by Theresa Jackson


About The Book:

“How to Handle a Narcissist” is a simple guide to help you understand, handle and live with extreme narcissists. This personalized, sympathetic approach to narcissism combines leading expert opinions with real-life stories and practical advice.

Research findings will show you what works when handling real narcissists at various points on the narcissistic spectrum, rather than only those who have a personality disorder.

Most of us show some degree of self-enhancing tendencies, but as we move up the narcissistic scale towards extreme narcissism, behaviors and characteristics start to harm not only the individual but people around them.

Whether the narcissistic person in your life is your partner, family member, friend, or coworker, this book will help you to understand what you need to do to regain control of your boundaries and guide the relationship in whichever direction is best for yourself and others.

Narcissists can make our lives hellish, but by understanding them and then following a few simple steps we can take back control of our boundaries and empower ourselves when dealing with these unavoidable personalities!

Here Is A Preview of What You’ll Learn… Learn how to identify and differentiate between healthy and extreme narcissism, and determine how the narcissist in your life ranks for both Discover how narcissism can be considered dependence on narcissistic supply, mirroring a dependence on alcohol or other drugs Find out what the narcissist wants from you Discover practical research-based methods to making life easier with the narcissist Read about other people’s experiences with narcissists, and what they subsequently learned.

Download your copy today!

Take the first step towards freedom and peace of mind today and download this book for a limited time price of only $2.99! Download your copy of “How to Handle a Narcissist” to learn real, valuable, and helpful tips to influence a narcissist and start seeing things improve in a matter of days.


Editorial Reviews:

“This book was really easy to read and avoided the blame, shame, and label rhetoric that you see when you read about narcissists. I found it really useful to see the narcissist in my life as more of a person and why they were being so difficult. Then I could handle them from a much calmer place. Really helpful”
– S. Goldberg

“I bought this to help me decide what to do about my narcissistic mother. I’m going to give the techniques a try and see if we can have something of a relationship, really hoping they work”
– M. Winston


About The Author:

Theresa Jackson, Multiple Number 1 Best-Selling Author on Narcissism, and Grief for a Parent. Okay, okay, the secret’s out… Amazon’s best-selling author, ‘Theresa Jackson,’ is a pen name. The alternative identity of a popular nonfiction writer. She’s relishing the freedom to explore sensitive issues like family, grief, and relationships, without the risk of alienating her nearest and dearest.

Don’t you just wish you could say what you really think? Join ‘Theresa,’ and let it out. Jump on the exploration freight train and get a greater understanding of yourself and others.

In 2016, I decided to use my master’s degree in clinical research, and my experience as a desk-jockey for pharmaceutical companies for something more worthwhile. I quit my corporate job in medical communications (producing materials that mainly fulfilled corporate aims) and started writing to help people.

It was immensely scary at first, but by sticking with my personal brand of evidence-based, scientific research, translated into “human” language, my whole world changed. I became location independent and discovered a new, immensely rewarding world of giving other people information that could potentially really make a difference in their lives.

My first book, “Loss of a Parent,” focused on helping others to grieve for their parents. I lost my father in 2007 and found the grieving process difficult. Eventually, I read a book on the subject, which helped immensely. I realized that despite grief for a parent is almost universally experienced by most adults at some point, little had been written on the subject. This was the catalyst for my personal change, and it took years for me to heed the call. I’m so glad I did!

How to Handle a Narcissist,” uses a similar blend of thoroughly researched, cutting-edge theory, and combines this with a range of case studies to provide an informed and objective approach to narcissism, with a human touch. I worked hard to avoid tapping into the usual stigma and negative rhetoric around narcissists, to provide the reader with greater insight and understanding, without bolstering their anger or pain.

As well as my master’s degree in clinical research I have a bachelor’s degree in physics with astrophysics. Half of my childhood was spent in the Bahamas before I returned to England, studied, and traveled the world. After several years spent working in South Korea, Spain, and the Netherlands, I returned to London where I worked for five years serving pharmaceutical companies in healthcare communications agencies. Having become location independent, I now spend much of my time in Italy and finally love my life again- something I wholeheartedly believe everyone deserves to do.






Did You Know: (Book Articles)


I always write my reviews on Amazon, 3ee, Goodreads, LibraryThing, and Social Media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linked In, Telegram, and Google+.

If you also have read this book, please share your review below, we greatly appreciate your comment, and let’s talk about it!

Amin Rezaei

View posts by Amin Rezaei
I love Books and Blogging.


  1. my followe
    May 14, 2019

    “This book was really easy to read and avoided the blame, shame and label rhetoric that you see when you read about narcissists. I found it really useful to see the narcissist in my life as more of a person and why they were being so difficult. Then I could handle them from a much calmer place. Really helpful”

    1. admin
      May 15, 2019

      My Followe, thanks for your comment and sharing your review with us.

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