How To Write a Simple Book Review: It’s easier than you think! by Allyson R. Abbott
About The Book:

Pinnacle Award Winning Book. ‘Best Book in ‘How To’ Category 2016 5 Star award-Winning Seal from Readers’ Favorite. How to Write a Simple Book Review; it’s easier than you think. By International Bestselling British Author Allyson R. Abbott
Have you ever wondered how to write a book review? Where to begin or how long it needs to be?
Has it ever occurred to you that even negative reviews may be helpful to authors?
Are there different types of reviews? Where can you get tips for reviewing a book? Do you wish writing a review was easy?
With this book it is. Sharing your opinion with people who want to hear it is fun. Your reviews help fellow readers find out if a book is worth their time and money.
Authors appreciate the recognition of a review, no matter how long, and the insight of a review can show them where they need to improve.
‘Writing a Simple Book Review; it’s easier than you think!’ holds these answers and more. You can start writing book reviews today; even if it is only a few words.
5 star
“What Abbott does is teach you…yes, she teaches you to write a one-word review and proceed on to another word, a sentence, and then another sentence…until you have a full paragraph! Let’s face it, no matter what you, the reader, is interested in, there is going to be a book about it to enjoy or learn from. Why not take a few minutes to thank the writer of that book as soon as you have finished reading.” Glenda Amazon Reviewer January 30, 2016
5 star
“How to Write a Simple Book Review is a wonderful, concise book to do just that, write a book review, for beginners or those wanting to improve their review skills. The book has formal, semi-formal, and informal guidelines. The templates are great! Star guidelines and how to vary it to suit yourself. Lots of tips and techniques. Lists of reviewer links and pages to encourage interaction. I thought it was a great book!” Kindle Customer December 31, 2015
5 star
Abbott’s book about providing book reviews motivated me to write this first Amazon book review. So mission accomplished! I rely heavily on book reviews to decide which books to invest my time in due to the year 2016 resolution to not waste unnecessary time on books that I dislike. Therefore, writing book reviews is my way of paying the favor forward.
I love that Abbott invested a great proportion of the book on reassuring that there is no fixed format for books. The persuasion is extremely subtle and plods the reader along in a non-intrusive manner. However, for those readers who require further structure, she highlights further discrepancies between the different types of reviews (literary criticism, book report, and book review). Further guidelines and templates act as further handholds to ease the newbies into the role.
Naturally, I recommend this to all readers who are beginners to reviewing books. However, it might not be suitable for more experienced reviewers who are looking for something to distinguish their reviews from others. Bubbsykat August 1, 2016
Editorial Reviews:
Thank you for buying my book and reading as far as this. As I am fairly new at being an author, I am always humbled when someone reads my words. Every book I write takes many hours and days to put together, and get to the publishing stage.
I still get a thrill when I see my books on Amazon and other eBook stores. It was only after publishing the second romance book that I realized, although I was building a following for my books, those readers were not leaving reviews.
It took me until after my third book to realize that reviews are the most important factor in an author’s success, providing crucial feedback, helping with sales, and increasing exposure. I talked to friends and family and asked a lot of other people who read lots of books if they left reviews when they had finished a book, as well as if they understood the difference between an Indie Author and a Contracted Author.
I was shocked to find that I was the only person within my circle of friends and family that left reviews. The most common answer was ‘I have no idea where to start and I was very surprised to discover that most had little, or no idea about the Indie Author movement, even though they knew I wrote books and am an independent author.
I have to admit that, as I travel a lot, it was not something we sat down at the table to discuss, but I realized that there must also be a lot more people out there who do not know how to write a review or understand the importance of reviews for authors. I certainly didn’t until I became an author. So, to help put a tiny bit of the ‘world to rights’, where I can, I dedicated some hours, days, and weeks to write and publish this book.
It is only my opinion and it is not a bible for review writing, but it may just help or encourage more readers to write reviews and therefore help authors to develop and gain a presence in a very competitive area. I am happy to discuss this, or any of my other books, or answer questions. Please feel free to contact me.
About The Author:

Allyson R. Abbott #1 Best-selling British Author (fiction and non-fiction) A Blooming Boomer who loves life on the road, making new friends, and meeting great people. Life in the slow lane!
After a few full-on years of traveling, which included a year and a half checking out New Zealand, a few Pacific islands, Australia and South Africa, 15months driving around the USA in a motorhome, some quick few weeks visit Canada, Mexico, Cuba, and Spain, we have now decided to pull over onto the hard shoulder for a year and have settled on the Valencian Province in Spain. Life is rich, but the pocket is empty and I need time to focus on my writing for a while. It is very easy to get distracted when you see so many beautiful places.
One of the most common questions I get asked is, which country or place did you like the most? A very difficult question to answer as each country or state for that matter has something to offer. I loved New Zealand for its beauty and the friendliness of its people, South Africa for its richness of color and history, and in the USA Montana and Arizona for their scenery, Florida for its beaches, Louisiana for its diversity, but I could go on forever.
My writing career started halfway around the USA, when I realized for the first time in my life I had time on my hand to write a book. I hope to use some of my experiences within my books; you will find a bit of Fiji in Goodbye, Hello and I am now planning a book three in the Abby and Ed Series to send them on adventures to visit the same places.
Apart from my non-fiction book; How to Write a Simple Book Review, all my other books are about women over the age of forty. I can’t help but add humor, because we laugh in life and I try to make my books about people to who we can all relate to. I do hope you enjoy them.
I expect that after a few months in Spain I will start to get itchy feet. There are still so many countries I want to visit, before my husband and I get too old to enjoy them. So you never know I may bump into you in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Italy, or even the USA as there is still so much to see there. Enjoying life while I can, best regards Allyson.
A notebook size book, with good quality of paper and printing.
I Have borrowed the book from my local library, I was so anxious to read it since the title is about writing book reviews. Write a Simple Book Review, is written by Allyson Abbott a British book lover and an author. She began her book with an acknowledgment and thank you note to indie authors who share their information and support their competitors for free (??)
Then an introduction began with a quote from Isaac Asimov that divides all authors into 2 groups, which are hurt by bad reviews either visibly or secretly. it follows with irrelevant helpful information of Amazon products.
The author continues with her past and says how eager she was to pass on the knowledge she’s received from a book or the book itself to her friends or a family member, then asking them to share their thoughts with her.
She explains the importance and the effect of Amazon in the Book (publication) industry and review programs, emphasizing that Amazon was the founder of the Review Writing culture in the new world. since the author is British, sometimes she used the Pound which is a British Currency, and sometimes US Dollar which I found unprofessional.
Once She admitted that she is not a review writing expert, sometimes she doesn’t write reviews because it may sound silly, that being said, she encourages everyone to write reviews as you have not to be an expert to write your opinion or thoughts about a book or product, that helps you to learn the art of telling the good, the bad and the ugly in 200 to 300 words. she also has covered the importance of review writing for authors, the length of review along with the difference between Book Reviews and Book Report.
Section 4: Tips on How to Write a Review
In this section, the author gives the audience a couple of different review samples including some helpful charts which will get you to start writing reviews about the books that you hate or you loved the most. in the end, she introduces some references and book blogs to her readers, I hope that be one of her blogs in her next publications and Book Review Blog List.
I didn’t find a direct connection between the title of the book and the context, but there’s helpful information such as:
Top reviewer on Amazon, How to become Amazon Book and Product Reviewer?, Amazon Review Policy, The importance of a review to authors and how it generates sales? Amazon Review Ranking System and so on.
Did You Know: (Book Articles)
I always write my reviews on Amazon, 3ee, Goodreads, LibraryThing, and Social Media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linked In, Telegram, and Google+.
If you also have read this book, please share your review below, we greatly appreciate your comment, and let’s talk about it!