Rich Before 40: The Ultimate Guide to Wealth by Paz Itzhaki Weinberger, Book Review
About The Book:

Rich Before 40: The Ultimate Guide to Wealth (Amazon Link)
Do you want to be rich before the age of 40? This is the ultimate guidebook for financial success, to live well, and get rich by the age of 40.
It shows that with perseverance and dedication to your goal and to a number of basic general rules it is possible to elevate your life to the right path and achieve abundance, even if the starting point was not at all easy… to soar from the depths to the heights.
The wildly successful author of this book will show you the way! Paz’s philosophy of life and its clear correlation to business is reflected in chapter headings such as:
“Insurance and Securities – Critical Tools for Becoming Wealthy,”
“Success in the Image of Haters and the Envious,”
“Accepting Death as a Part of Life,”
“Other People and Why Only They Can Make You Rich,”
“Essential Tools for Building a Personal Image of Success,”
“Making a Living on the Path to Wealth,”
“Social Skills, Networking, Connections, and Rubbing Shoulders with the Elite,”
“The Cost of Unnecessary Emotions,”
“Gambling, Careless Spending, and Stupidity,”
“Law and Accounting – Friends or Foes on the Way to Wealth?”
and “The 19 Commandments – Closure.”
About The Author:
Paz Itzhaki-Weinberger, Esq., born in 1980, is an extraordinary Israeli success story. Despite challenging life circumstances, which include starting from zero, losing his mother at the age of 10, and even serving in the IDF (the Israeli Defense Forces) as a “lone soldier,” he achieved outstanding accomplishments in a variety of fields, as a “Renaissance Man,” all before the age of 40 – thanks to the unique model for success that he has developed.
Paz is a successful high-tech entrepreneur and a partner to venture capital-backed exits worth hundreds of millions of Israeli shekels. He owns a prosperous law firm in Tel Aviv as well as real estate properties in Israel and abroad. Earlier he was a senior employee at Microsoft’s Israel R&D Center.
Paz is a senior member in international organizations such as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), and the Directorate of the Israel-Britain Chamber of Commerce (IBCC). He is involved in business and legal activities worldwide and is a position holder or interested party in a multitude of companies and high-tech ventures. Paz lives and works in Israel. He is married and has two daughters.
Editorial Reviews:
From the Author:
My Review:
A notebook size which means easy to carry, and light. good quality of paper and printing.
before I start off with my review, I’d like to ask the author, what does “RICH” mean to you? The reason that I’m asking this question is: I’ve met a lot of different people all around the world, and each person has his own definition of being rich. I’ve met with people who “being rich” for them means getting married or staying married to their spouse others’ definition of “being rich” was having successful and good children.
I also know business owners and professionals with hundreds of thousands of Dollars who are trying to take their business to the next level, investing, hiring experts and professional advisors, and much more because they don’t think they’re rich yet. In “Rich Before 40”, the Author began with a sad story that truly touched my heart, from losing a mother who was young and expressing his concern about how he will be remembered after his death by his friends and family.
Paz in the first chapter of his first book (began writing in June 2008) explained how you can lose $35,000 just by spending $10 and asked you to avoid it. the Insurance chapter also mentions the importance of insurance in our lives and how critical this is and suggests you have the best “Insurance” to cover you in all aspects to avoid losing money or if something serious happened you won’t lose your income.
In “Haters and Jealous People” chapter talks about the devil eye and also people around you who can impact your growth negatively and you need to stay away from them, but in “Accepting Death as Part of Life” chapter author asking you constantly think about DEATH which is highly negative to me, maybe it’s a religious belief to some people but what I’ve learned is to be optimistic and ask and think about highly positive future which is going to happen soon although I don’t reject death reality.
“The Importance of a First Impression” is another chapter in which he expresses his meaning clearly and emphasizes how important is to dress clean and appropriately (read this post). “How Other People Will Make You Rich” is the greatest chapter which I truly believe in it because I have experienced it and I exactly know how people around you can easily impact who you are and who you’re gonna be in the future if I was the author maybe I would write this chapter as the first one.
Building a Successful Image with Practical Tools, Sources of Livelihood on the Road to Wealth, Reporting to Seniors; Reports from Subordinates, Social Skills, Connections, Networking and Rubbing Elbows with Nobility, Patience and Forbearance, Sowing and Reaping, Self-discipline and Courage, Savings, Pension and Contingency Plans for Failures, The Cost of Useless Emotions, Wastefulness, Gambling, and Stupidity, The Importance of General Knowledge and Conversational Skills, The Law and Accounting as Friends and as Stumbling Blocks on the Road to Wealth, Saving on Professional Work is the High Road to Poverty, Mortgages and Wealth, and a Little More on Self-discipline, Who Are the Friends of a Wealthy Man?, Health, Fitness and “Who is Wealthy”? and A Closing Prayer – Nineteen Commandments. are the rest of the book.
In each chapter, you’ll learn (or it reminds you) even simple things to take care of because each of them could hold you back from getting rich. I honestly have a problem with the topic of the book (personal idea) this book contains a lot of good tips and advice for life but does not make you rich.
I would call it “How Don’t Lose Your Wealth “or ” A Complimentary Getting Rich” book. I’d like to give this book a 5-star review as a complimentary book that you need to read besides other “how getting rich” books just because of its practical tips. Dedicate a significant amount of time and spend $10.95 (by ordering this book) to acquiring general knowledge and save your and your family’s financial future.
Did You Know: (Book Articles):
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