Newly Published and Upcoming Books announcement by 3Entrepreneur Essentials
If you’re searching for a website to notify you about new, Upcoming and Giveaway books, you’re in right place, so if you’re reading this post as a book lover who wants to be the first person that knows about new books announcement before anybody else, please subscribe to our newsletter field below this page or if you are an author and would like to communicate with us, Please read this post till the very end.
Here at 3Entrepreneur Essentials, we help you as an author or publisher to tell the world your new publication is available for purchase. We always share it to the Social media such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+, etc, with a brief explanation of the book or a simple note like a complimentary review to tell the audience what is this is about.
3Entrepreneur Essentials as an active book announcer website is dedicated especially to the young authors who want to get more customers for their books. we usually receive a copy of the hardcover book along with PDF version prior to it being available in the market just to share our honest thought and review with authors. Our announcement press release is written in a journalistic format that mimics how a magazine or newspaper would write about your new publication.
3ee uses the online news release format that book readers are accustomed to receiving such as newsletters, email marketing or simply searching for new books on search engines Because this is such an important tool and because there is a trend among publicists, journalists, and authors to turn these announcements into an advertisement, it’s important to understand how to write a release that will get read and used.
We usually read and write about Health, Knowledge, and Fashion but we can help you to announce your new book in different genres that are your specialty.
August 22, 2021
Can someone recommend more book reviewr? Thanks