The New Working Woman’s (r)Evolution: How to Survive and Succeed Through Empowerment by Cristina Carballo-Perelman M.D.
About The Book:
The New Working Woman’s (r)Evolution is a modern, practical survival and success roadmap for all women in the workforce.
- Need advice where a work environment is not conducive to advancement?
- Need to approach leadership, HR or other colleagues?
- What are your options if harassment occurs?
- What are the signs that the company you work for is not the right fit for your work goals?
The ability to shatter the glass ceiling is further hampered by the under-representation of women in the boardroom across all industries, even those heavily represented by women.
Editorial Reviews:
Cristina Carballo-Perelman, M.D., has been a neonatologist for 30 years. She has seen how society devalues women, both at home and in the workplace by continually placing more value of women’s beauty over brains. She and her coworkers have experienced this inequality and unfair treatment of women in the professional setting over the years.
Dr. Carballo-Perelman’s passion and motivation to write her female empowering books derives from wanting to help women who have experienced similar situations. She provides hope that if they search for companies with ethics and integrity, they will indeed be re-hired. Her aim is to empower women, not make them into “little men.” By doing so, she hopes to accelerate the overall equality of the sexes in all areas of life! Her other passions include employee rights and corporate social responsibility.
She has the first-hand experience concerning these topics as she was fired for ” challenging the status-quo” at work. She realized to late the cost of working for a corporation without a “soul.” These experiences have allowed her to help others navigate the workforce and become empowered as employees with rights.
Finally, as a physician, she has dealt with many issues concerning death, including the right to assist death “with dignity.” Her “intimate interview” with Death itself, puts a unique spin to the topic. There have been many accolades concerning all her books and the help they bring to those who read them. Her hope is to continue to help others live empowered, joyful lives and enjoy this journey called life!
About The Author:
Cristina Carballo-Perelman, M.D., Recently named one of the “50 Great Writers You Should be Reading” by The Authors Show, Cristina Carballo- Perelman, M.D., has been a neonatologist for 30 years.
She and her female colleagues have experienced first-hand many of the misperceptions concerning the capability of women in the workplace. She has seen how society as a whole continues to devalue women both in their careers and at home by placing greater value in looks over brains.
Her passion to write derives from her experiences both as a woman in the workplace as well as being devalued as an employee (i.e. she, too, was fired once and subsequently, successfully rehired!) She has also dealt with death and dying issues inherent in her practice and was compelled to express her thoughts concerning this topic.
Dr. Perelman has been a subspecialty physician for 30 + years. She has seen how society devalues women, both at home and in the workplace by continually placing more value of women’s looks over brains. Her passion and motivation to write empowering books derives from wanting to help women who have experienced similar situations.
Many of Perelman’s books focus on the goal of empowering women, not make them into “little men.” By doing so, she works to accelerate the overall equality of the sexes in all areas of life! Perelman’s other passions include employee rights and corporate social responsibility. Her powerful and common experiences have allowed her to help others navigate the workforce and become empowered as employees with rights.
Perelman provides hope and guidance to those who want to work for companies with ethics and integrity, they will indeed be successful. Finally, as a physician, Perelman has dealt with many issues concerning death, including the right to assist death “with dignity”. Her hope is that others find her words inspiring and more importantly, helpful, to deal with any or all of these issues, as presented. You can also visit her website She lives in Scottsdale, Arizona with her husband.
I’ve received the paperback book in a review program, notebook size with simple cover design, good quality of paper and printing.
The New Working Woman’s (r)Evolution: How to Survive and Succeed Through Empowerment by Cristina Carballo-Perelman M.D. is written in 2 parts, the first part includes 11 attributes(chapter) and the second part contains 5 chapters. This book is to help females who have been sexually harassed at work and for young females to avoid any despicable behavior from their colleagues, or leadership and also to empower them in the business world to grow and succeed as a leader and successfully shatter the glass ceiling.
The author provides the audiences with eleven attributes, to empower women and signify the visionary ideals that human strive to attain. She believes the number eleven is a sacred number since, before the time of Aristotle, each attribute contains, definition, antithesis, her advice, synopsis along with a worksheet.
The author believes that women can be as successful as men if they combine agentic and communal traits in their leadership or mentorship style and be seen as assertive, but not bossy. she provides references and examples of bossy and successful women in higher positions to convey her message.
The Conscience of a Corporation, Part 2 which contains 5 chapters, is about general information of corporation’s conscience argument against it, challenging the status quo, how corporations can assist women in shattering the glass ceiling.
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