what is One Alternative To Linkedin For Professional Networking that you would suggest?
One Alternative To Linkedin For Professional Networking is introduced in this post, we’re gonna talk about it and say why it’s a lot better and safer than Linkedin?
Let’s take a look at Linkedin brief history:
LinkedIn (/lɪŋktˈɪn/) is a business and employment-oriented service that operates via websites and mobile apps. Founded on December 28, 2002, and launched on May 5, 2003, it is mainly used for professional networking, including employers posting jobs and job seekers posting their CVs.
In late 2002, Reid recruits a team of old colleagues from SocialNet and PayPal to work on a new idea. Six months later, LinkedIn launches. Growth is slow at first—as few as 20 signups on some days—but, by the fall, it shows enough promise to attract investment from Sequoia Capital.
2004 Experimentation, Growth accelerates with the introduction of address book uploads in late 2003. LinkedIn introduces new features like Groups and partners with American Express to promote its offerings to small business owners.
2005 Revenue, LinkedIn introduces its first business lines: Jobs and Subscriptions. The company also moves into its fourth office in three years. 2006 Foundations With the launch of public profiles, LinkedIn begins to stake its claim as the professional profile of record. In 2006, the company achieves profitability, and core features like Recommendations and People You May Know are introduced. As of 2015, most of the company’s revenue came from selling access to information about its members to recruiters and sales professionals.
But now let’s get to know aioconnect, a business network for professionals and even for selling your products and services. this network was founded on December 12, 2015, owned and operated by aioconnect LLC. aioconnect is the first advanced integrated office platform owned and operated by aioconnect LLC, a digital company headquartered in Toronto, Canada. Their mission is to empower individuals with the right set of marketing, communication, and e-commerce tools that can help them become a “Power Brand” in an ever-changing world.
What makes aiconnect (Pronounce I O – IOConnect) stand out is, this network is not for free and you have to pay a $25 annual fee to register it’s because of avoiding fake profiles and spam messages from fake identities in the network.
When you’re done with the registration, you need to introduce yourself to your network:
Like on any other social media you try to catch the attention of your profile visitor by focusing on who you are, your biography and education, and an explanation of your expertise and welcome them to connect with you.
here is a sample of my Personal Profile on aioconnect.

The next step is to open your E-Office :
Like as you see in the picture below, you need to introduce your company / Service / Trademark and or your product to your audience. here you sell your services such as consulting or podcast or your E-books, etc.
Make sure to add the most updated contact information in order to stay connected with your customers or clients.

Why aioconnect?
This business model is unique as its founder Mr. Shahriar Shahabi claiming. in aioconnect in File Cabinet, you can add your brochures, catalogs, etc. for download.
In Products & Services simply add what you want to sell, customers will pay directly with Paypal or major credit cards to purchase what you have to offer. It’s one of the biggest differences that makes it unique in comparison to other social networks.
In Videos & Podcast part, you may add your advertisement or your Paid or Free Podcast to your audience.
One of the greatest futures of aioconnect is Send Voice Message, where you can record your Voice Message and listen to it before you send it, it’s much more convenient and faster than typing with misspellings and typos.
Message Board is the history of your activities on different groups and your conversations with other members.
On your dashboard, you also will see View Messages, My Network, Chat, Pending Invitations, Meeting Requests, Manage Account, Change Background, Affiliate Partner.
Meeting Requests also is one of the features that allow your connections to send that request to you and stay in touch. you’ll need to accept their meeting time according to your schedule.
Change Background is the personalization and customization part that you may add your own preferred background pictures to your profile.
Affiliate Partner is the fun part, which allows you simply make more revenue by inviting your connections from other social media here to aioconnect, you’ll make %40 percent of your referrals as soon as they create their own aioconnect profile. you’ll just need to add your E-mail address which is associated with your Paypal account.
What you need to be cautious about is, aioconnect is a new business model of MEconomy which allows you to make unlimited revenue as you can refer your serious, professional connections to aio. this social network has absolutely no-refund policy as a $25 investment is just 1 annual fee and it’s the lowest investment on your business network.
Don’t forget to take a look at aio, register and invite your other social networks‘ connection to your aioconnect and start selling your products or services.
September 7, 2021
I think LinkedIn is the best, but I’ll take a look at your suggestion. thanks.